Practical & Easy Halloween Costumes for Babies and Kids

Halloween activities are happening this week! I know that it’s a costume contest for most events and of course, parents want their children to look their best for the events and for picture taking ( to be posted in social media too) so most exert extra time and effort to dress their kids up. Some even plan months in advance since some parents want their kids’ costumes to be unique and extra special. Oh parents, we just can’t help it right?

For me, costumes need not be expensive nor complicated. Best to keep these 2 things in mind when you pick a costume for your kids or for yourself:

  1. Impact – Know what suits your kid like in terms of personality and favourite so the costume has a relevance to the child too. Remember they will be wearing this, not you. Impact doesn’t need to be expensive, imported, big, noisy, or extravagant. Even the simplest costumes can give people the biggest impact if your child wears it with confidence and attitude.
  2. Comfort – Parents tend to forget that we live in a tropical country where its sometimes hot even in air conditioned rooms since the place will probably packed with people and there will be lots of movements that’s going to happen (walking, picture-takings, activities, etc.). Allow your children to enjoy and not suffer for the costume they’ll be wearing. You’ll be comfortable too when they are.

Personally, I’d like to keep Halloween costumes for the kids simple. As a parent, my main role is not to make them forget the real meaning of this time of the year. We will visit our loved ones who passed away and will wonderful stories about them too. We will keep them alive in our kids in the coming years.

We’re excited to have 2 kids this year who will be wearing costumes! One year can really make a big difference. Although I admit they may be small for events like this, we just like to have a little fun for and with them. I want to do DIY costumes but the tasks and busy days won’t just permit me to do it this year. So we got something very very comfortable for the kids and at the same time they will be able to wear this after halloween. Simple and cute for the 2 babies 🙂 We’re excited for the memories we will be making. We’ll be going to probably 2 private Halloween events this year for the kids. With 2 small kids in tow, you’ll always think of everyone’s comfort so no big events.

For those looking for simple and easy costumes for the babies and kids, here are some ideas. Enjoy! Since we have a few days left before Halloween the photos below are easy to prepare. No need to sew that much too.

Sources: Pinterest,,,,,



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