1st Month

Our baby girl is now a month old. It’s definitely a new experience for us as a couple to take care of a newborn child.

I watched my mom do it and I somehow took care my youngest sister when she was still a baby too but not a newborn. It’s very much different when it’s your baby and somehow, mom instincts will guide you.

The days are long and quiet with a newborn. The smell of their breath takes you to baby paradise. We became so careful not to make the room so hot or too cold. We can just watch her every minute of everyday.


Hey baby ! You simply hate to be swaddled and your baby strength is enough to get you out of it every time.

You seem to have sharp eyesight for your age and loves to eat a lot (this is an understatement). You’re perfect. We waited for so long to have you and now that you’re here, we will flood you with kisses and hugs. You’ll be forever our first baby.

Mom’s healing is very fast because of you. You gave mom so much happiness and her days are as if her wound from giving birth has healed. She forgotten all the physical pain of giving birth.

Breastfeeding is a journey I will never forget. It’s a big challenge and I salute all moms who did their best to breastfeed their babies. That doesn’t make non-breastfeeding moms less of a mom okay? All mom are heroes and so are dads for being there for mom and baby.

Can’t wait for what next month will bring!


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